There are certain Payment Gateways that might be unavailable or marked "Available only on Pro Plan". 

This is done depending on the country you have selected and the inherent limitations that come in with the Payment Gateways.

Based on Location: The Payment Gateways that service your region will be the ones that you will see in the setting form. 

Based on Payment Gateway: On the Basic Plan, Advensure charges a Booking Processing Fee as our only charge. And, since some payment gateways do not allow us to automate that feature, we have set Advensure to work directly with your account on the Payment Gateway.

The Payment Gateways that we offer in the Free Plan, essentially let us "Split" a Payment, into multiple accounts. This way, we automate the process of charging our Booking Processing Fee without any interruptions to your service and payments into your account.

This allows us to offer you our product and superb service continuously, even in countries we wouldn't otherwise have been able to.